New IT System Installations

When it comes to new installations, simply Googling a “How-To” article will not satisfy the complex, multifaceted needs your business demands. Your enterprise needs to be operating at maximum efficiency, and that means high-quality technological installations, updates, and replacements.

 New Installation

If you’ve decided on a new installation for your business, let us first say congratulations. That’s the first step to optimizing your business to suit the evolving business industry, and ensuring your success moving forward. New installations, both hardware and software, create an atmosphere within your enterprise that shows you’re industry thought leaders – progressive in nature and able to adapt to changing situations. Ultimately, this will encourage existing customers to stay with you for the long haul, and attract new customers to join.

Badly installed hardware and software, however, will only serve to bring your company down, waste time, and lose money. John Baldwin IT has extensive professional knowledge when it comes to incorporating new installations within a business, as well as how to properly install any type of IT system or product. By trusting our company instead of embarking on a DIY project, you’re significantly increasing your chances of success.

If you don’t know what your company needs, but are sure some type of new installation would greatly benefit growth, contact us for a consultation. We’ll check your system requirements, discuss the future you see for your business, and give you expert advice on what type of installations might be beneficial.

After fitting you with a potential system update, we’ll walk you through the installation step-by-step so you can understand the process. Then, we’ll ensure your company is suited to adopting the new installation so you can begin to see a return on investment immediately. Don’t wait to begin your new installation – contact us to start improving today.

John Baldwin IT has carried out many successful new installations for small and mid-sized businesses.

  • Do we have wiring in our new office? Does it need to be upgraded?
  • How many PCs/laptops/Macs will be connecting?
  • How many sites need to be supported?
  • How many phones do we need? What’s our voip solution?
  • What is our email solution (local email, hosted solution)?
  • What is our anti-virus solution?
  • What speed internet connection should we have? (It’s always easier to upgrade line speed than downgrade. Start low).
  • What’s our 1 year/5 year plan? Are we planning on being the same size in 5 years? Or how do we plan to ensure our infrastructure will scale up to 1000+ users?)
  • Does our network need to be high capacity (frequent saves of high sized files or streaming multimedia)?
  • What’s our backup/recovery solution?
  • Do we need UPS power?
  • Do we want monitoring?
  • Do we want wireless access in the office?
  • What applications will we be using?

John Baldwin IT - For Local & International Businesses